NOTIFICATION 7th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING   September 26, 2018 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast meeting Coast Hotel Calgary, ALBERTA   AGENDA   Welcome       President, Luanne Whitmarsh   Guest Presentation TBA Call to Order Luanne Whitmarsh   Approval of the Minutes of September 13, 2017 Kimberley Buehler Report from the President Luanne Whitmarsh  … Continue reading AASC AGM 2018

Categorized as seniors

How old is older?

How old is older? The year 2011 saw the first of the “Baby Boomer” generation – those born between 1946 and 1964 – turn 65 and join the ranks of some 400,000 other older Albertans. It is difficult to create a comprehensive portrait that can illustrate the wide diversity of Alberta’s older adult population, and… Continue reading How old is older?

Categorized as seniors


Dissemination of Information Collect and disseminate ideas, information and research that will enhance the operation of Seniors Centres. Educate members about pertinent legislation. Facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, programs and promising practices among Seniors Centres.

Categorized as seniors


The Alberta Association of Seniors Centres was incorporated in May of 2011. A Board of Directors was elected at the Grey Matters conference in September 2011 and we have been meeting since to work on networking and advocacy on behalf of seniors centres. We are now inviting all Seniors Centres to join. Our Mission is… Continue reading Invitation

Categorized as seniors